Natalie DeWitt, PhD.

I was Senior Editor at Nature in San Francisco for over ten years, during which time I handled scientific manuscripts and reviews in a wide range of biological topics. While at Nature I also wrote editorials and news stories, served on ethics panels, and commissioned Nature supplements.

I also helped launch, and was the Founding Editor and Editor at Large, for Nature Reports Stem Cells, a website that provided information to scientists and the general public on stem cell research.

I have worked in Korea, as the Director of Scientific Affairs and Basic Science at Institute Pasteur Korea, a non-profit translational research institute. I have also worked as Special Projects Officer for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, a government agency that funds stem cell research. There I built multi- million dollar programs in genomics and clinical trials.

About Accendo

Accendo Editing was founded in 2011 by Natalie DeWitt and Richard Gallagher. In 2016, Natalie re-launched the company as Accendo Scientific. Since 2011, Accendo has executed a broad range of projects for clients worldwide.

Accendo’s Philosophy.

I aim to make a positive contribution to the research community and to accelerate scientific progress through better communication. For all researchers, clear and accurate writing and data presentation improves the quality of the literature. For my clients, clear manuscripts and grant proposals remove ambiguity and distraction from the science. Their chances of publishing in their journals-of- choice is increased. And their research track-record and scientific legacy is enhanced.